DSM program administrators are streamlining their offerings by moving decentralized data and manual processes into centralized, automated system: an Energy Performance Platform.
Energy Performance Platforms like Energy Sensei handle the complexity of energy management offerings and provide scalability to expand your programs to more customers. Adopting an energy performance platform has benefits for your program administrators, implementers and participants.
The Energy Trust of Oregon has recently adopted a new Energy Performance Platform utilizing our Energy Sensei software. This platform replaces the current system of Excel-based performance tracking workbooks and opportunity registers across their commercial, industrial, and multi-family SEM programs. SEM participants now have access to a centralized platform for their portfolio of enrolled sites, including energy intensity models, project management and energy performance tracking.
If you are interested in seeing what an Energy Performance Platform could do for your organization, reach out to one of our Cascade Energy experts who can walk you through our Energy Sensei platform and how it can work for you!