50001 Ready
Incorporating Cascade’s intuitive tools and expert guidance on this journey is vital to cultivating processes and mindsets that produce meaningful growth towards achieving sustainability, decarbonization, and energy health.
50001 Ready
ISO 50001 provides the framework; Cascade provides the foundation
International Organization of Standardization (ISO) 50001 is a global standard for the minimum elements of an energy management system. ISO 50001 principles within the industrial sector are meant to provide an easy-to-implement framework for integrating organizational energy management processes to improve quality and environmental management.

Cascade is Proud to be a US Department of Energy 50001 Ready Partner
The 50001 Ready program is a DOE program to support the adoption of ISO 50001. It is designed as a roadmap for organizations seeking impactful, long-term energy reduction through systematic implementation of a robust energy efficiency program.
As a 50001 Ready Partner, we not only help our customers reap the financial and environmental benefits of establishing a strong energy management culture, but also streamline the process of achieving 50001 Ready certification, communicating to their partners and customers that they take energy management seriously.

Start the 50001 Ready Journey with Strategic Energy Management
The US Department of Energy has broken the 50001 Ready program into 25 energy management system (EnMS) tasks. Realms of focus include defining the boundaries of your energy management system, creating an energy goal, forming energy teams, and identifying and implementing energy efficiency measures.
Cascade’s strategic energy management (SEM) program, while developed independently, aligns with many of the DOE’s tasks and acts as a powerful catalyst in those critical first steps towards successful energy management system implementation.
The SEM program places the right tools in the hands of organizations initiating the culture change towards energy efficiency.
SEM Guides 50001 Ready Certification
SEM is an energy efficiency program that assists organizations, step by step, to achieve energy performance goals. This effort begins with finding and implementing O&M (operation & maintenance) improvements to plants and processes. Central to SEM is the formation of energy teams, and the training and empowerment of those teams, to effect positive change in their organizations. Energy coaches assist the energy teams by providing technical guidance and accountability. Additionally, coaches help teams quantify energy savings through top-down regression modeling or bottom-up savings calculations for individual energy-saving opportunities.
The culmination of the first phase of an SEM engagement – the on-site energy scan – is a coach-led event involving site energy teams scouring their processes looking for energy efficiency opportunities. Teams then brainstorm the best ideas and create a list of O&M and capital improvements to prioritize going forward.
Meaningful Improvements Pave the Way to Lasting Change
These high-impact SEM activities directly complete 12 of the 25 50001 Ready tasks, as defined by the DOE. Additionally, they influence the completion of four other DOE tasks and reduce the lift to full ISO 50001 compliance.
Supporting our customers in certifying as 50001 Ready allows them to improve facility performance, enhance competitiveness, and demonstrate business leadership. As a bonus, SEM trains your teams and helps you save energy.