In our experience, we have encountered cases where IHP projects move forward to be implemented as an effective method of decarbonization. However, in some instances, the barriers to their implementation were too formidable.
The most important drivers behind IHP adoption for our customers include:
Clients, motivated by these factors, were more inclined to adopt IHPs as a way to achieve energy efficiency and decarbonization goals.
Comparatively, these were the most common barriers discouraging clients from successfully including IHPs in their strategies.
Recognizing the weight of these barriers to our customers’ decision-making, we’ve identified next steps to overcome these hurdles and successfully integrate IHPs.
Today, decarbonization is now being recognized as an integral part of the energy efficiency process. Likewise, Industrial Heat Pumps are gaining momentum as a crucial instrument in this transition.
Achieve your energy, carbon, and sustainability goals. Talk to us today!
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