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Decarbonization Partners: The benefits of going above and beyond decarbonization compliance

May 1, 2023

As the world embraces proactive measures to combat climate change, an increasing number of companies are focusing on decarbonization strategies. Some, however, limit themselves to meeting compliance regulations without embracing a more holistic sustainability outlook. This can have unintended consequences. By choosing the right decarbonization partners, like Cascade Energy, companies can unlock the full potential of decarbonization and sustainability. 

Leveraging Sustainability 

Companies that go beyond compliance related decarbonization efforts will reap numerous benefits. As consumers grow more environmentally conscious, the demand for sustainable products and services continues to rise. By prioritizing decarbonization, and leveraging decarbonization partners, businesses can cater to this expanding market, creating new revenue streams and fostering innovation in sustainable products and services. Dedication to sustainability also enhances brand reputation, leading to increased customer loyalty. 

Here are some real-world examples: 

Interface Inc. 

Interface, a global leader in the design and production of carpet tiles, adopted a sustainability approach called “Mission Zero” in 1994. Their goal was to eliminate any negative impact on the environment by 2020. As a result, they reduced their greenhouse gas emissions by 96%, water usage by 89%, and waste to landfill by 92% (Interface, n.d.). This commitment to sustainability has not only benefited the environment but also improved their brand image, profitability, and innovation. 

Reference: Interface. (n.d.). Mission Zero. Retrieved from 


Unilever, one of the world’s largest consumer goods companies, launched its Sustainable Living Plan in 2010 with three primary goals: improving health and well-being, reducing environmental impact, and enhancing livelihoods. The plan has led to a reduction in CO2 emissions, water usage, and waste, as well as increased use of renewable energy. As a result, Unilever has seen a growth in its sustainable living brands, which accounted for 70% of its turnover growth in 2017 (Unilever, n.d.). 

Reference: Unilever. (n.d.). The Unilever Sustainable Living Plan. Retrieved from 


Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, launched its sustainability program in 2005, focusing on energy efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable sourcing. By working with suppliers to optimize packaging, increase energy efficiency, and reduce waste, Walmart has saved billions of dollars in operating costs (Plambeck, 2012). Moreover, the company has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 1 billion metric tons by 2030 (Walmart, n.d.). 

Reference: Plambeck, E. L. (2012). The Greening of Walmart. Stanford Graduate School of Business. Retrieved from Walmart. (n.d.). Our Sustainability Journey. Retrieved from 


Patagonia, an outdoor clothing and gear company, has long been committed to environmental sustainability. They pledge 1% of their annual sales to environmental causes and implement sustainable practices throughout their supply chain. This commitment has not only improved their environmental footprint but also helped them attract loyal customers and employees who share their values (Patagonia, n.d.). 

Reference: Patagonia. (n.d.). Environmental + Social Initiatives 2020. Retrieved from 

A Strategic Imperative 

Treating decarbonization as more than just compliance is a strategic necessity. As governments worldwide intensify climate change actions, companies lacking genuine decarbonization commitment will face competitive disadvantages, including: 

  • Higher regulatory costs 
  • Difficulty attracting investors 
  • Missed partnering opportunities 
  • Workforce challenges 

Consequently, businesses that only meet the compliance minimum requisites may struggle to survive in a world where sustainability is a central concern for consumers, regulators, and investors. 

Thriving Today and Beyond 

The world is rapidly changing, and companies failing to adapt to the new reality of sustainability risk being left behind as consumers demand more sustainable products and services, governments enact aggressive climate change policies, and investors prioritize sustainable investments. 

A compliance-only mindset overlooks the vast benefits and opportunities decarbonization offers. Companies that genuinely embrace decarbonization, with the support of experienced decarbonization partners, will be better positioned in this evolving world. To thrive in the future, businesses must prioritize decarbonization and demonstrate a genuine commitment to reducing their carbon footprint.  

Ready to start your journey? Partner with Cascade Energy – become a sustainability leader and watch your business thrive.

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