News > Craft an In-Plant Decarbonization Plan That Works For You


Craft an In-Plant Decarbonization Plan That Works For You

May 29, 2024

The latest climate science is clear: Limiting climate change is both possible and practical. However, to avoid the worst environmental impacts, global greenhouse gas emissions will need to be reduced by half by 2030, eventually achieving net-zero. The path to decarbonization must be swift, but purposeful. Therefore, a corporate decarbonization plan, once viewed as a pet project, is now a crucial component of a companies’ triple bottom line success.  

The good news is that industrial sustainability efforts are resulting in a marked positive impact for both the environment and implementors. This article will answer the why’s and how’s of crafting a robust decarbonization plan that delivers big for people, profit and planet.  


The Case for In-Plant Decarbonization 

 Scope 1 and Scope 2 are the emissions that happen under your watch in your facilities. A credible overall decarbonization plan includes aggressive and persistent reduction of these emissions under your direct control. It is not the entirety of your decarbonization plan, but it should absolutely be a central piece. 


The Cascade Energy Decarbonization Roadmap 

In our mission to help industry decarbonize, we have determined six guiding principles that will help you start your decarbonization journey today. 

  1. Relentlessly cut energy waste: By cutting energy waste, you immediately reduce emissions and put money back in your pocket. With systematic persistence and building a culture of continual improvement, you can make efficiency last longer. Every 10-horsepower motor you turn off is 2,000 square feet of solar panels you don’t need to buy!
  2. Timely electrification: Seize the moment of end-of-life replacements of capital equipment. Look into cutting energy waste across thermal systems and get ready to electrify when the time is right. Research technologies, find vendors, develop expertise, and make a plan.
  3. Buy just enough clean energy: Clean electricity generation is critical to eliminating in-plant emissions, but it can be costly. By implementing energy efficient practices, you can make progress today while keeping an eye on the horizon for the next cost-effective solutions.
  4. Commit to goals, consistently: Get everyone from the boardroom to the boiler room aligned, working together towards corporate goals.
  5. Set people up for success: Allocate staffing and train energy teams across the organization, then assign achievable targets and hold people accountable for the results. It’s important to communicate and engage all levels of staff and keep them engaged and invested in the changes you will need to make.  
  6. Dedicate funding, invest wisely: Set expectations that decarbonization projects will be completed across the company and dedicate funds to do so effectively. There are incentives available through your utility and diverse government resources to help ease the cost of decarbonization. These incentives can help you cover the cost of identifying projects, training, equipment, and other rebates. Let us help connect you with these opportunities!  



Becoming a Climate-Friendly Company 

Crafting a decarbonization plan supported by structure, guided by insight, and fueled by tenacity will empower companies to play a pivotal role in fostering a more sustainable future for generations to come. 

Cascade’s insightful tools and coaches are ready to guide your path to energy efficiency and decarbonization – reach out to learn how our unique approach can support your net-zero goals.

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