Cascade recently won contracts to deliver two new multi-year industrial strategic energy management (SEM) programs in California. We are now offering SEM in three utility territories: San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) in partnership with Southern California Gas (SoCalGas). We are pleased to bring our unique SEM delivery approach to industrial enterprises in southern California and are currently gearing up to recruit participants for both programs.
SEM activates teams at industrial facilities to achieve deep energy savings and helps companies better understand where and how energy is used so they can complete projects that produce measurable, sustained energy savings over time. SEM has proven an attractive engagement approach for utilities: it strengthens partnerships between utilities and their customers while delivering training and cost-effective savings. Cascade brings deep SEM expertise to the state from our similar engagement with 600 industrial facilities since 2004.
California’s interest in SEM has been growing over the past several years, culminating in a recent statewide directive for all California investor-owned utilities (IOUs) to robustly adopt SEM. This past summer, all four California IOUs released requests for proposals for new industrial SEM programs. Cascade and our California-based partner AESC won two of the three programs. Cascade’s CEO Marcus Wilcox attributes these successes to, “our strategy, our experience, and our reputation for exceptional program delivery.”
Cascade is excited about this new opportunity to grow our Southern California presence, strengthen our California partnerships, and introduce industrial SEM throughout the state.