US Department of Energy ITAC Implementation Grants

Funding available to small- and medium-sized manufacturers and water treatment facilities.

U.S. Department of Energy Funding Opportunity

Get Funding to Implement Energy Saving Projects

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is providing Industrial Training & Assessment Center (ITAC) Implementation grants to strengthen small- to medium-size US manufacturers. These grants are designed to support projects that enhance energy efficiency, boost productivity, and lower emissions.

DOE is awarding grants up to $300,000 on a rolling basis at 50% cost share to implement recommendations made in an ITAC or ITAC-equivalent assessment. Cascade Energy’s assessments are DOE-qualified as ITAC equivalent!

If you are a Cascade Energy client who has completed an assessment with us in the last three years, you might be eligible to secure funding for any projects identified in this assessment!

Who is eligible?

Industrial Training & Assessment Center (ITAC) Implementation Grants are exclusively available to small- and medium-sized manufacturing firms and water treatment facilities. 

Does your company qualify?

Cascade Energy assessments qualify for this program!

Cascade Energy is a DOE Qualified Provider of ITAC-Equivalent Assessments

Cascade Energy’s energy assessments qualify as ITAC-equivalent, which means that small- and medium-sized manufacturers can use them to apply for DOE ITAC Implementation Grants to help them complete energy efficiency and decarbonization projects.

From our assessment, any recommendations we make with the following objectives may be covered by the grant:


site energy and/or material efficiency


site cybersecurity infrastructure


site productivity


site waste production


site greenhouse gas emissions and/or nongreenhouse gas pollution

Curious what we might find in your facility? Talk to one of our energy experts about completing an assessment for your facility.